There are 11 themes of bricks available:
red green amber orange blue cobalt
cyan purple teal dark yellow
<Brick theme={theme} />
// red, green, amber, orange, blue, cobalt,
// cyan, purple, teal, dark, yellow
<Brick theme='cyan' />
There are 4 sizes of bricks available:
small medium wide large
<Brick size={size} />
// small, medium, wide, large
<Brick size='wide' />
An icon is displayed at the center of the brick.
<Brick icon={icon} />
// specify a string as image source
<Brick icon='your/icon/path.png' />
// use JSX as icon
<Brick icon={<img src='your/icon/path.png' />} />
Name and Badge are located at the bottom of the brick.
<Brick name={name} badge={badge} />
// badge could be number or string
<Brick name='My App Name' badge={123} />
// or make a JSX badge
<Brick name='My App Name'
badge={<img src='your/icon/path.png' />} />
Instead of setting a Theme, you can provide an image as background.
Unless it's a small brick, the icon will be placed in the Badge position.
<Brick bkg={bkg} />
<Brick bkg='your/background/path.png' />
You can display custom message and display duration in the brick.
This will not work for small brick.
<Brick msg={msg[]} msgDelay={msgDelay} />
// message accepts:
// 'title', 'body', 'delay', 'theme', 'bkg'
// where 'theme' and 'bkg' can be inherited
<Brick msg={[{
title: 'Title',
body: 'Message Body',
delay: 6000
}, {
title: 'Title 2',
body: 'Message Body 2'
}]} msgDelay={7000} />
Use BrickContainer to arrange bricks easily
// either specify JSON config of array of Bricks
<BrickContainer bricks={bricks} name={name} />
// or directly place Bricks as children
<BrickContainer bricks={bricks} name={name}>
<Brick />
<Brick />
<Brick />
Set custom columns in each row
<BrickContainer size={size} columns={columns} />
// size: small - 4 cols, medium - 6 cols,
// wide - 8 cols, large - 12 cols
<BrickContainer size='medium' />
// or you can set other number
<BrickContainer columns={6} />
Bricks always try to find a gap to fill. Thus, Bricks may position in different order
Use empty brick to fill the gap instead
// create empty bricks mannually
// can alter 'divProps' and apply custom CSS
<BrickContainer bricks={[
{ fill: true },
{ fill: true },
]} />
// or you can use Brick tag directly
<Brick fill />
<Brick fill />
<Brick />
// use 'prepend'/'append' to fill in bulkly
// accepts 'count', 'size'
// 'prepend' - fill before that brick
// 'append' - fill after that brick
// 'prepend'/'append' don't work when using Brick tag directly
<BrickContainer bricks={[
{ prepend: { count: 2 } },
]} />